During a pastel drawing class, I was informed that many oil painters begin a piece by placing the complimentary color on the canvas first. This is used as a base coat upon which the "natural" colors are placed. I love using this technique in pastel paintings as it seems to result in richer, more interesting colors through the final painting. My
Sketch and Comlimnetary Colors:
The first step was to do a pencil sketch on the canvas. A fairly detailed sketch was done. After the sketch, the complimentary colors were placed in large blocks on the canvas with interesting results.
"Natural Colors":
The "natural" colors were then placed over the initial layers. Care was taken not to completely cover the compliments so visual "blending" would occur. I feel that this technique worked well although the colors did not actually blend as they do with pastel and oil.
Below is a close-up of a section that shows the complimentary colors "peeking" through the natural colors. This makes the painting much more tintersting visually.